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Developer's Guide
Lesson 1 - Hello World!


The goal of this lesson is help you to become familiar with the plugin system, and for you to write a simple plugin that displays the message "Hello world!".

Step One - Create a directory

Let's open windows explorer (by clicking Start, Programs, Windows Explorer) and create a sub directory "First Plugin" under the main directory or the plugin system.

Step Two - Create a setting file

Once you've created a plugin directory, you can begin to write your first plugin.

Now please create a new setting file - "setting.ini", by any text editor, and save it into the directory "First Plugin".

Then type following code into "setting.ini".

DisplayName=First Plugin

Don't worry if you're a little unsure about what the code does. We'll explain the code line by line.

1: Enable=True

This line states that the plugin is enabled.

2: StartFile=

This line declares the file name that will be run when a visitor clicks the directory name of the plugin. The First Plugin is very simply and it doesn't need to run a start file. So please do not set the file name.

3: ReturnFile=include.wfs

All plugins should have a return file. You must declare the return file for WWW File Share Pro to return to the visitor.

4: RunOnce=False

This line states that if the start file should be run every time then visitor access the plugin directory. Normally it should be False. If RunOnce=True, the start file will only be run one time when the file-sharing service starts and WWW File Share Pro will try to terminate the process of the start file when the file-sharing service stops.

5: DisplayName=First Plugin

This line declares the plugin name that displays on the "Plugins" panel.

6: User=

This line declares the user name that is allowed to access the plugin. Normally this parameter is controlled by WWW File Share Pro so you do not have to set it.

Step Three - Create a return file

Now please create another file - "include.wfs", by any text editor, and save it into the same directory "First Plugin".

Then type following code into "include.wfs".

Hello World!

That's all!

Step Four - Test the plugin

Please run WWW File Share Pro and open a browser to visit the website. Enter the main directory of the plugin system you will see the new plugin name "First Plugin".

Click on "First Plugin" you will see:


At the conclusion of this lesson, you should be able to do the following:

  1. Create a new plugin.
  2. Add setting file to your plugin.
  3. Config the setting file.
  4. Add return file to your plugin.
  5. Write output message for the visitor.
  6. Test your plugin.

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