WWW File Share Pro - How to ban IP address?
There are two methods to ban IP address:

1) On the 'Settings' > 'Ban IP' panel.

  • To ban a particular IP address, please select 'Add single IP address' option-box, input the IP address, click the 'Add' button to add the IP address.
  • To ban IP range, please select 'Add IP range' option-box, input the starting IP address and the Ending IP address, click the 'Add' button to add the IP range.

Don't forget to save your settings by clicking the "Save settings " button. The change will take effect immediately.

2) On the 'Status' > 'Active connections' panel
To ban a particular IP address on the connections listbox, please select the IP address and then click the 'Ban IP' button. This will disconnect all connections from that IP address and add this IP address into the 'Banned IP list'.